Underwaterpistol partner with Buunto for The Fish Society

Underwaterpistol and Buunto worked together to bring The Fish Society the technology it needs to deliver the freshest seafood to customers. Here's how it works:

Timing is critical for the delivery and receipt of frozen fish and that’s where Buunto comes in. The app integrates with The Fish Society’s Shopify Plus website so consumers can order fish to be delivered at precisely the right moment.

The Fish Society is the UK’s number one online fishmonger, delivering 200 varieties of luxury fish and thousands of orders per day to households across the country. If you want some wild bluefin tuna or a piece of organic striped salmon belly, you can arrange to have it delivered frozen to your door on a day that suits you.

The freshest fish in the UK

Underwaterpistol is the agency behind The Fish Society’s website. “The Fish Society came to us as their trusted agency to facilitate their move from Shopware to Shopify Plus,” says Ellie Wilson, senior project manager at Underwaterpistol.

"We added a new screen for The Fish Society to manage upcoming orders directly in the app."
Sylvain, Co-Founder at Buunto

“It was a big requirement for them to have a scheduling system to make sure fish wouldn’t arrive at the wrong time and sit melting on doorsteps all day,” she adds.

“They chose Shopify Plus because it is intuitive and gives them the control to make any changes to their website. We initially planned to custom build the functionality to facilitate order scheduling. But then we found Buunto which fit the bill perfectly.”

A solution with no catch

Buunto is a scheduling app which integrates with Shopify. It offers buyers a small calendar with options to pick a time and date to have their services ready or delivered. It is customisable, well-designed and easy for shop owners and their customers to use.

To ensure the best quality, fish delivered by The Fish Society is caught on specialised vessels where it can be frozen immediately

"It’s always a bit of a learning curve for a client to get to grips with a totally new CMS. But The Fish Society have taken it all in their stride and they're really happy with Shopify Plus and with Buunto as well,” says Ellie.

Simplifying scheduling 

“When we integrated Buunto there were a couple of extra things we wanted it to do. We got in touch with Buunto to ask about it and they were so helpful. The customer service was second to none.”

“It means that if we need similar functionality Buunto is our first port of call,” she says. “If we'd coded it out ourselves it would have been a lot of work, especially when you take into account testing time and amending.

“Using an app like Buunto gives us access to an existing infrastructure. We're not having to reinvent the wheel because it's already there and working well.”
Ellie, Senior Project Manager at Underwaterpistol

Underwaterpistol is a UK-based Shopify Plus agency that has been going for 22 years. It created one of the first 100 Shopify sites in the world. Today it offers design and development as well as SEO and branding to big name ecommerce sites.

“We now include Buunto integration in our pitches for new clients,” says Ellie. “The need for expensive and time intensive custom scheduling solutions for clients has been removed because Buunto works so well.”

To learn more, book a call below to see how Buunto can help your business. Or, simply install the app on your Shopify store and explore how it works.

Master your schedule,
and delight customers
with Buunto.

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